Many thanks for your giving to the LORD’s Work at the
Association of Christian Chaplains
We are GRATEFUL for Your Support
We are committed to using your tithes and offerings that will honour the LORD’s direction.

Donations Can Be Made
Automatic Payee Set Up in Bank Account
Association of Christian Chaplains
145 Muirfield Blvd., Lyalta, AB T0J 1Y1

Donation Receipts
Thank you so much for your investment into the ministry of the Association Of Christian Chaplains.
Charitable donation receipts for income tax purposes will be sent by mail to donors in January of each calendar year.

Association of Christian Chaplains
Is a registered charity with the Government of Canada.
(formerly known as Aviation Interfaith Ministry (Calgary) Society)
Registration Number: 118797455 RR 0001
We mail our charitable donation receipts to our donors in January of each calendar year.
Giving Online:
How to Send an Interac e-Transfer
1. Choose your bank account
2. Add a Payee – Association Of Christian
3. Enter the recipient’s information –
4. Choose the Payee and the dollar amount.
5. Review and accept the terms and conditions.
6. Confirm and send the Interac e-Transfer.
7. Print the confirmation page (optional)
You will automatically receive an email from your bank that you have sent funds to the Association of Christian Chaplains.
The Association of Christian Chaplains will also receive notice via email that a donation had been deposited into the charities account.
Giving By Mail:
Association of Christian Chaplains
145 Muirfield, Lyalta, AB T0J 1Y1
Contact Us